# Publish
This section is intentionally verbose in order to help ipywidget developer.
# Versions
Set the same Javascript version in the following files. WARNING: This is a manual sync.
Set the Python version in file:
# Git
Git commit the code with a tag.
# starting from repo top folder
# possibly: start afresh
git clean -fdxn # dry run - recommended as cannot be undone
git clean -fdx
# commit
git add .
git commit -m 'my comment'
git tag '<python version e.g. 0.1.0>'
git push
git push --tags
# Node
Build the Javascript files and publish the node package to npmjs.org. For more info see th official doc.
# starting from repo top folder
# make sure the version in js/package.json is correct
# build notebook extension javascript
$ cd js
$ npm ci
# test run to see what you will publish
# npm pack
# login npm if necessary
npm login
# publish npm package to npmjs.org - using ~/.npmrc
$ npm publish --access=public
# if you made a mistake you can unpublish in the first 24h
# Python
Publish the Python package to PyPI. For more info see the official doc.
# starting from repo top folder
# make sure package version is correct in __meta__.py
# clear dist/ from previous bundles
rm -rf dist
# build Python package
$ python setup.py sdist
$ python setup.py bdist_wheel --universal
# upload package to PyPI - using ~/.pypirc
$ twine upload dist/*
# if you made a mistake you can remove the package on pypi.org